Tag Archives: BJP

Hindutva India Tours, Leisure & Entertainment Retreats (H.I.T.L.E.R)
Aren't we lucky to be witnessing the era of Acche Din? In 2020, you can extend the joy of being a Bhakt to every aspect of your life. This year, forego your normal, boring vacation and opt for a special package from Hindutva India Tours, Leisure & Entertainment Retreats (H.I.T.L.E.R). Our exclusive, customized tours are designed to provide you with first-hand experience of some of the greatest hits of our beloved nationalistic government. Relive Read more [...]

Note from a Magnanimous Hindu to those other Indians
India is truly blessed that our population is dominated by those who identify as Hindu - the most noble and altruistic people in the history of mankind. Irrespective of your caste, gender or religion, we know what’s best for you and have now mobilized our government to work in your best interest. It’s been a tough ride for Hindus in India since we’ve constantly been under attack and oppressed. All we have going for us is a majority of the population, Read more [...]

Worst MPs of the outgoing Lok Sabha
Our parliament is made up of 543+ MPs who directly represent us and influence laws that rule our lives. Yet, during Lok Sabha elections, we stay obsessed with national political leaders like Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi. The reality is that there is no single political leader who can magically transform the country. If we keep electing MPs and MLAs who are incompetent and corrupt, the system will stay broken. So before you vote for your favourite Read more [...]

These Indians are still “celebrating” Demonetisation
All stories showcased below are thanks to People's Archive of Rural India (PARI). You can visit this page to read PARI's coverage of demonetisation to learn how India's most marginalized have been affected by it over the past year.
On Nov 8th 2016, the government decided to casually demonetise 86% of the country's banknotes in circulation. In terms of an operating strategy, the government very prudently decided to have none. They allowed Read more [...]

The Jay Amit Shah Story (told the correct way)
The Wire has dared to malign Jay Amit Shah by questioning the business practices of this financial prodigy. In reality, Jay Amit Shah is a genius who needs to be recognized & celebrated. Thankfully, The Wire is being sued for Rs. 100 crore for defaming an honest, hard-working businessman.
Why can’t more Indians be like Jay Amit Shah? Instead of complaining about the economy and government policies, this chai wala’s right hand man’s Read more [...]

Assaulted, Abducted or Raped a Woman? Please be my MLA.
India has always been a world leader at electing those with pending criminal cases. Our political parties have forever provided us with a steady pipeline of criminally tainted candidates . And as electors, we always deliver by continuing to elect legislators who are accused of every crime under the sun from petty thefts to kidnappings and murders. We currently have the most criminalized Lok Sabha in history. #AccheDin.
All data is courtesy Association Read more [...]

A crash course in India’s Farmer Crisis
Jan 2021: India's farming crisis has been on for decades and what we are seeing right now is just the tipping point of systemic issues that have existed forever. It is completely reasonable to hold the government of the day accountable irrespective of which political party is in power. Here's a post from 2017 explaining the various components of this crisis.
India's leading rural journalist (and unfortunately one of our only ones), P. Sainath, recently Read more [...]

The ‘Criminal’ Quota in Indian Politics
Issues related to the criminalization of Indian politics are well known. Political parties are obsessed with winning elections, and have always provided tickets to candidates who are most likely to win - irrespective of a candidate's ability to be a competent legislator.
All data is courtesy Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR).
To better understand the magnitude of this problem, we looked at what our nationally recognized political parties Read more [...]

New Rules for New India (making Hindutva great again!)
Bharat Mata ki Jai!
Bharat Mata has long been plagued with religious and cultural diversity. From Trump in the West to Kim-Jong in the East, we are faced with increasing global competition to create fundamentalist societies. Thankfully, we have been able to come up with our very own #MakeInIndia solution to keep abreast with the times. Our government's Hindutva governance is based on thousands of years of research and provides a unique solution Read more [...]

Lok Sabha Honours List 2017 – Our most useless MPs
We know that our MPs hate attending parliament and being productive - but some are worse than others. There is an official record maintained of the activity of all MPs in parliament including attendance, questions raised and debates participated in. It's been three years since we elected our Lok Sabha. We look at some of our most illustrious parliamentarians who are least bothered to show up or participate in the Lok Sabha.
PRS Legislative Research, Read more [...]

Why are we passing bills to make corruption easier for political parties?
Lack of financial transparency in the political system has always been one of our key challenges as a democracy. Recently, the government passed a bill in the Lok Sabha that will potentially lead to an increase in anonymous corporate donations to political parties as well as remove previous limits on how much corporations can donate to political parties. Here's a look at some of the key factors in play.
Status Quo
Currently, political parties Read more [...]

Would you hire someone with this Resume? (He is now UP’s Chief Minister!)
BJP - the party with a difference, has given us another gem. Yogi Adityanath will be the next Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Yogi Adityanath will act as an inspiration for millions of UPites over the next five years as he brings a much needed regressive and narrow minded approach to governance. Here is his incredible resume which touches upon his impressive body of work:
Ajay Singh Bisht (aka Yogi Adityanath)
361,Old Gorakhpur,Shri Gorakhnath Read more [...]

The absurdity of Mayawati & Kejriwal’s EVM claims
Two of our most prolific leaders from recent times, Behenji Mayawati and Arvind Kejriwal, have decided to have grave concerns regarding the electoral system - one that has allowed them to be Chief Ministers, a combined six times.
In a BSP letter to the Election Commission of India (ECI) on March 11th 2017, National General Secretary Satish Chandra Mishra provided reasons for his parties skepticism about Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). Most of Read more [...]

Political Parties vs RTI
When politicians across party lines join forces, it is usually against our best interests. Here’s how our nationally recognized political parties have tried their utmost to stay out of the ambit of the RTI act.Copyright secured by Digiprove

The Butcher of India’s Surgical Strikes – Arnab Goswami
The aftermath of India’s surgical strikes has provided us with a new hero – Arnab Goswami. Every night, on super primetime, Arnab and his ego, put on a beautiful performance where they painstakingly take down every opinion that could be perceived as anti-Indian. Instead of using rationale or reason, Arnab uses the most effective tools available – bullying, shouting and mocking. Never mind if the person at the receiving end is Indian or Pakistani. Read more [...]

Arvind Kejriwal: An Insignificant Man
For a two-year period, cameras followed Arvind Kejriwal and his team to create An Insignificant Man, a documentary that chronicles the rise of Aam Aadmi Party to its present day leadership in Delhi. The documentary premiered on September 11th, 2016 to a packed house at the ongoing Toronto International Film Festival.
The film-makers have done a commendable job in documenting the personalities of some of AAP's key founders, specifically Arvind Kejriwal, Read more [...]

Thank You Smriti Irani for reinforcing the virtues of bigotry
Thank you Smriti Irani. The country was confused and in a precarious situation before your enthralling performance in parliament yesterday. But today we all have a clearer understanding of how to live our lives.
For whatever reasons, university students thought that they can espouse opinions that differ from those of the government. For too long, we have allowed universities to be venues of active social debate where students are exposed to different Read more [...]

Do you qualify for Indian citizenship? (Hindutva bylaw edition)
We want you to be prepared for a changing India. One where we are ready to embrace our Hindutva heritage and rid ourselves of any diversity, free thought and rational opinion. Our quiz is based on the latest Hindutva ideas available in India that are steeped in ignorance and bigotry - traits that you will need to thrive in the years ahead. All the best!

Women’s Empowerment in Indian Politics is here to stay (just kidding) !
We heard them loud and clear last year as they screamed hoarse about the need for empowering women in India. In the lead up to Lok Sabha 2014, all political parties told us how they plan to tackle gender equality. And boy did they perform, when it came to taking action during the elections, i.e. giving tickets to women.
Overall, only (8%) of candidates in Lok Sabha 2014 were women and currently just 11% of the parliament is female.
Among the major Read more [...]
Political Personality Quiz: Are you a Libtard, Bhakt or Aaptard?

7 stats on the 2014 Lok Sabha elections that will blow your mind into many pieces
Here are some heartwarming stats from last year's mega elections that may restore your faith in humanity and/or blow your mind.
1) 73% of voters in Vadodra or 8.45 lakh people voted for Narendra Modi
It’s no surprise that some of the most impressive victories in the election were seen in the state of Gujarat by BJP candidates. Narendra Modi’s victory in Vadodara was arguably the most comprehensive one across India. Modi and C.R. Patil Read more [...]

BJP’s Hindutva Superheroes are here to save India
Forget poverty and economic inequality. Forget dying children and crumbling infrastructure. Forget farmer suicides and even forget corruption. India’s biggest challenge today is combating the religious and cultural diversity that exists in the country. We must tackle this monster and thankfully Prime Minister Modi’s extended team includes a pack of super heroes who will guide India to a path of intolerance and cultural homogeneity.
Mohan Read more [...]

List of Gundas contesting Delhi Assembly elections
Hello Delhi,
To make voting easier for you, we have created a list of candidates that you must vote into power. In last year's Lok Sabha elections, we voted in 186 MPs with pending criminal cases (36% of the Lok Sabha) - an all time record. Let's see if you can do better in #DelhiFightClub #DelhiShowdown #DelhiIsIndia #IndiaIsDelhi #NothingElseMatters. Please make sure that these candidates who have been given tickets by our political parties come Read more [...]

Gunda-Raj continues with Lok Sabha 2014 – Well done India!
Over the last month, we shattered voting records. An all time high of 66.4% of the national electorate voted. And the result is that we have resoundingly selected the most criminal parliament ever. For the last three years, we've been out on the streets protesting on empty stomachs and our fingers have gone numb sharing and liking status updates. But at the end of the day, it's been all worth it. We have proudly selected 186 parliamentarians (36% Read more [...]

Aam Aadmi to the rescue, or maybe not
It's the season of political rhetoric. Indian politics, is known for candidates making tall claims and promises during campaigning followed by non-action. The Congress and BJP have mastered this and much of the electorate, for justified reasons, has given up on these two parties following through on any of their promises.
But this time we have Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party. An alternative view of politics. A party of the common man - the Read more [...]

Dear Indian Voter, why are you still voting for Criminals?
Dear Indian Voter,
You have spent the last 3 years expressing your frustration with the Indian political system. You protested in the streets, went on hunger strikes and ranted on social media. You said you were fed up with corruption and the quality of parliamentarians. This time around, you are supposed to get into action, walk to the booth and vote for change.
You must understand that change is not a silver-bullet. It will not be miraculously Read more [...]

Keeping Religious Stupidity in Check – Section 377 and beyond
There has to be something seriously wrong when leaders from every major religion in India come together and agree on something. This is precisely what happened with Section 377 in December. Championed by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and supported by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Utkal Christian Council and Apostolic Churches Alliance, some of India’s most prominent religious bodies decided to launch into a battle against sexual pleasure. Read more [...]

Why should we accept ‘criminal’ Kejriwal?
Over the last two years, Arvind Kejriwal has been on a crusade to bring about societal reforms. Throughout this period, Kejriwal has consistently expressed his disdain towards parliamentarians who have pending criminal cases against them. On many occasions in the recent past, Kejriwal and his coterie often harped on the presence of criminals in parliament in order to demonstrate the magnitude of political rot being faced by the country. For instance, Read more [...]

3 Government Projects to be proud of
Most media stories about politics and governance in the country these days come with predictions of doom and gloom. However, across the country, there are many politicians and bureaucrats who are diligently working towards improvement of public services. This year, three Indian projects received U.N. Public Service Awards. These awards recognize projects that fight poverty and promote sustainable development. Evaluation criteria for the awards include Read more [...]

BJP vs Congress – Distribution of tickets to Muslims
The BJP compromises on needs of the Indian Muslim in order to come to power. The Congress is looking to appease minorities at any cost as long as it stays in power. Such statements have become common occurrences specially after the elevation of the status of Narendra Modi within the BJP. Almost any debate in the country these days seems to be linked back to religion and our two leading political parties. One factor in assessing the attitude of BJP Read more [...]

India’s Politicians Unite Against Transparency!
This month saw the passing of a judgement by India's Central Information Commission (CIC), that classifies nationally recognized political parties as 'public authorities'.
What does this mean?
This means is that common citizens can now file RTI applications to political parties to obtain information. For instance, a citizen could inquire about internal elections in a party or about financial sources/expenditures of a party. The judgement is Read more [...]

Invest in Lok Sabha MPs for Guaranteed Returns!
The economy of India maybe going through troubled times right now. But one industry that is forever booming, is the Indian parliament. Our Lok Sabha MPs made fortunes even during the economic meltdown of 2008. Forget banks and the stock market. Just catch hold of your constituency’s MP and handover your assets to him for a guaranteed return.
Candidates who contest elections in India, declare their financial assets on affidavits to the Election Read more [...]

Why should there be Women in Political Parties ???
It’s no secret that women are under-represented in Indian politics. However strategically speaking does it make sense for political parties to back female politicians? The answer to that question is a resounding YES, and not because it’s the ‘’right’’ thing to do.
In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections only 161 females received tickets from major* political parties. However, 36% of Read more [...]

Political Parties – Who is the Richest?
How much money do political parties in India receive in one year? Here’s a look at the amounts collected by India’s political parties as ‘contributions’ in the year right after the last Lok Sabha election in 2009.
Under sections 29B and 29C of the Representation of the People Act political parties are entitled to accept monetary contributions. These contributions are exempted from tax under section 13A of Income Tax Act. Details of these Read more [...]

Lok Sabha Honours List – Our most useless MPs
Parliamentarians in the Lok Sabha are our nation's pride. Here's a look at ones who have gone out of their way to do something special.
There is an official record maintained of the activity of all MPs in parliament including attendance, questions raised and debated participated in. The record is not maintained for ministers since they are not mandated to sign attendance registers and initiate debates.
Honour List 1 - MPs with less than 50% attendance Read more [...]

Neta Profiling – Party Wise
Are your favourite politicians Aam Aadmis or Ameer Gundas? Here is an analysis of current Lok Sabha MPs from various political parties based on criminal and financial backgrounds.
This analysis is a follow-up to our state wise analysis which showed the importance of money power and muscle power in the parliament.
All candidates who contest elections in India submit to the Election Commission, a self sworn affidavit with details of criminal records Read more [...]

Murderers Eleven
Indian cricket teams have notoriously been known for lacking the ‘killer instinct’. Here’s a look at one Indian team which has all possible predatory instincts.
Wah Sarkar decided to select 11 of our finest parliamentarians from the Lok Sabha to form a team of world beaters/killers/murderers/thugs. Out of 543 members, 162 MPs have pending criminal cases*. Thus it was a tough task narrowing this immensely talented bunch down to just 11. We have Read more [...]