WahSarkar has always been a fan of Behenji Mayawati – especially back in the good old days when she used to be the CM (Chief Megalomaniac) of Uttar Pradesh. Over the years, we have profiled her prudent fiscal policies and her nuanced take on the positioning of an elephant’s trunk. We also compared her (and other politicians’) Google Search popularity with Sunny Leone. In the complicated world of search engine optimization, all this has somehow led to wahsarkar.com becoming one of the premier ‘hits’ for Mayawati porn.
Today, we are proud to say that we regularly attract web traffic looking for Mayawati porn. As per a WordPress plugin called ‘Count Per Day‘, we get an idea of the top search strings that lead people to our website. For e.g., so far for the month of Septmeber 2016, the top search strings have included:
- www dot com mayavatee xxx
- maya bati xxx
- Mayabati.xxx
- mayawati cm up xxx
- neta mayavati xxx.com
- mayawati xxx
There probably is a case to be made for Behenji’s overall leadership being obscene, indecent, crude, dirty and vulgar (all synonyms for pornographic). After all, she did erect 50 foot statues of herself across the state (handbag included) and as per Wikileaks once sent a private jet to fetch a pair of her sandals. But we were completely unaware of a subset of Indian men (or women), fantasizing about pornographic imagery of Behenji. What a time, to be alive!

ye english janti bhi hai ki kewal iuijhvjkjcvkjbkk gadhe
Nice article!