Are your favourite politicians Aam Aadmis or Ameer Gundas? Here is an analysis of current Lok Sabha MPs from various political parties based on criminal and financial backgrounds.
This analysis is a follow-up to our state wise analysis which showed the importance of money power and muscle power in the parliament.
All candidates who contest elections in India submit to the Election Commission, a self sworn affidavit with details of criminal records & financial assets. These affidavits are the primary source for this analysis. Usually candidates grossly undervalue their financial assets in these affidavits. However despite this it is apparent that MPs are much much better off than the average person who they represent in parliament.
Only parties which have at least 5 elected MPs have been covered in this analysis.
Here is a party wise break down of the criminal & financial background of an average MP:
It can be said that high financial assets can also be acquired through fair means. However our parliamentarians are public servants by choice and are hence expected to focus their efforts towards the people. Often, the amount of wealth they gather while in office can be dizzying. Thus it is only natural for the public to question the assets of our parliamentarians.
In order to further characterize MPs, we have taken the liberty of categorizing them into 4 broad classes based on their criminal backgrounds & financial assets.
Aam Aadmi – The not so rich MPs with few pending criminal cases Ameer Aadmi – The rich MPs with few pending criminal cases Aam Gunda – The not so rich MPs with many pending criminal cases Ameer Gunda – The typical MP. Master of crime & money
- Most MPs of the major parties seem to have plenty of wealth and a ‘healthy’ criminal background. This shows that the onus of cleaning up Indian politics lies with the major parties. If such candidates would not be given tickets, there would be no chance of them winning.
- The values for Shiv Sena, TDP and NCP were so high that they should have been off the chart but have been accommodated for convenience.
- Independent and CPM MPs are closest to representative of the ‘common man’ based on the characteristics analyzed.

seems all are ammeer gundas!!
This is nice. It assumes, however, that declared assets are true. From my DIRECT knowledge of many politicians – particularly Congress and BJP – 99% of whose assets are benami and through all kinds of convoluted schemes, most of these people will go off the chart.
@sabhlok:disqus You are absolutely correct.
@sabhlok:disqus You are absolutely correct.
Aamir gundas should be out and aam admi should be in!
It is true that the onus is on the big parties to step up and stop giving these people tickets.
But don’t you think the onus is on the people too? They have to stop selling their votes for cash, TVs, laptops etc etc. If they focus instead on the MPs who promise increase in productivity, we would have much better system.
As much as i would like to blame the MPs, if democracy is failing to provide us good leaders, it is pretty much a reflection of our society.
@36d64125e5b406b0e7a06ba0b585331c:disqus Yes, the onus is on citizens as well. Unfortunately, many citizens couldn’t care less for the backgrounds of candidates. They would be swayed by factors such as same castes and small bribes as you mentioned in any event. Teaching the value of a ‘vote’ to millions of citizens is important but it is a mammoth task with no certain outcome. What is more ‘controllable’ is to have systemic changes that force the system to filter out such candidates. Such decisions could be taken at a political party level.
Too simple. In India it is very easy to get a criminal case charged against anybody. So analysis should with MPs against whom criminal cases pending for griveous crimes.
Yes, don’t we all have a couple of pending criminal cases against us.. no big deal..
Thanks for putting it clear and naked -that’s the way it is. Now we should get some talented youth to volunteer for National Service. C’mon guys – you may face a lot of challenges. You might have to stand firm under criticism and against the obvious flood of ultra corrupt goons of parliament. But trust me, future of India will remember your patriotism forever. You shouldn’t be scared when power of truth is with you. Corrupt politicians will be scared like hell now.
Very well analysis of current Political Parties. The Cleaning Drive has to start from within these Major Parties.
In fact, only 5-10% people are ruling this country, and they are using another 90% huge population of the nation.
Political terrorism was start in this country in 1975,when Indira Gandhi declared emergency across india and it is carry on till today
Why & how the criminals are coming back again and again in indian parliament and assemblies IT IS A BIG & EXPLOSIVE QUESTION FOR ALL OF US.
I want to ask the media communities, that Is indian political structure is replaceable soon
Both the largest political parties are maintaining their criminal recorded members since a long, but nobody knows that they are also maintaining an unseen pistol in indian societies all other local -state parties are busy in money making.
In this scenario we have written an exclusive indian script based on india’s worst politics in 6 nos of episodes, this script will be very helpful to moderate the indian voters.
After showing only 2 episodes in a particular TV Channel, number of india’s corrupt politicians will be underground.
I am waiting a response of any of explosive filmmaker, who will shoot it across the country.
Wonder landmark crimes are performing by indain politicians, and remaining huge population of india are following them.
We have to root out this dangerous disease from this country, each & every indian citizen has the right to kicked them out form indian politics forever.
But the million dollar question is: Are parties like CPM best placed to govern India? One of their states is stuck in 1960s, the other is almost entirely dependent on foreign remittances.
True. That is a valid question. Will be posting something relevant to your questions soon.